What I like:
I like the story, the graphics, the models, the shopping in Guildwiki to see what unique clothing combos I can make for my characters and then seeing them come together on my characters.
I also like the running around at endgame trying to choose a weapon with my valuable key/book/amulet.
I absolutely love that you can send a character on a little quest to get skills, like the ones in druids overlook, so that you don’t have to buy them. I wish all skills could be achieved that way.
I love artisans that make prices of crafting materials cheaper – I wouldn’t mind if I had to trek all the way up a mountain to get to them. I actually like to work at something to get it for cheaper, if that makes any sense.
I love that if you have enough collectables, you can trade them in at a collector to get a decent weapon. And I love that there is free armor at the collectors too. Actually, I love collectors. I don’t often feel comfortable dealing with human merchants, so I really value the collectors.
I also love festival quests, especially the Shing Jea Island ones. I send all of my characters on them and play non-stop if I can.
Aside from playing through the story, those are pretty much the things about the game that makes it fun for me.
Oh and I also like this helpful forum. It is my first forum and for a first forum, it is not bad.
Best moment:
I was in a pug in the last GWEN mission as my Assassin/Ranger, who is all Ranger with no assassin skills (incidentally, my Mesmer is all Assassin and no mesmer skills ~ nerfed and thus retired, though). But my assassin/ranger is still cool!
Anyway, I was the only one left alive, with a sliver of health, running towards the spawn sight, being chased by a destroyer, who fortunately also had only a sliver of health. There was a wall, so there was no choice but a face-off against the destroyer. My heart was pounding, but I won the battle, getting applause and cheers from everyone. Then, I used my Sunspear Rebirth signet to revive the monk and we were back in business! This may not seem like much to someone else, but it gave me such an adrenaline rush! I like the adrenaline rushes I occasionally get from this game.